Thursday, February 28, 2013

Granna Banana and Opa Jim

I went through Granna's camera and came across several favorites. Here they are. (And funny story with the name Opa Jim. Granna always hollers "Jim" to him and Trenton months ago started saying "Opa Jim". He does it to be funny. But then, he started yelling "Megan" when I don't answer his "Momma" call. I suppose he is beginning to learn everyone's first name. Silly boy!)
Doing puzzles.
Chilling with Berkeley.
T always wants to nap on a pallet in Granna and Opa's closet.  B loves the music table.

 Trenton can drive the power wheels car himself now, but staying straight is kind of difficult.  :)
Bennett is to the stage where he likes to ride in the car, too.  We love the handle with a power button to push him around.

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