Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bennett 9 months!

It is funny to think Bennett has been here with us as long as he was in my belly.  He sure is a bundle of joy!  At his check up he weighed exactly what Trenton did at 9 months.  He's 18 lbs 9 oz.  He's in the 49% for height and 78% for head circumference.  (Trenton was 50% for height and 75% for head--you don't get much closer than that!)  They look simiar, act similar and are just the best things that have ever happened to us!  Unfortunately, we left the appointment with a report of an ear infection.  Medicine will hopefully clear it up.  Here are some facts from the last month.
1.  He crawls, crawls, crawls. 
2.  He says Daddadadada ALL THE TIME!  I can't even pinpoint exactly when it started.
3.  His hair is starting to sometimes lie flat. (Not in these pictures.)
4.  He sits up in bed around 11 pm and 4 am, dangles his legs through the rails, and pulls on his musical dog.  If you don't go feed him so he'll drift off to sleep he will play for an hour and is very loud. 
5.  He likes to bang on things.
6.  The words "no no," even as nicely and calmly as they can sound, put him in tears.  (I feel so bad but he can get hurt!)

 Bennett was more interested in what was about him than the picture session.
 Trenton tried to help. 
 I gave him paper to try to distract him from taking off his sticker.  It worked for 10 seconds.
 And the sticker is off.
 Quick, before the sticker comes back off!
 Trenton's 3 year old pictures. :)  He need one, too, he told me.

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