Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Weekend

Trenton is ready for the church's Easter egg hunt.  He killed time by acting like he was in a trap with his Easter basket.
 This year, he definitely knew how to wait patiently until the start of the hunt.  Then he was off! 
He had so much fun gathering eggs and turn around to make sure we were watching him.
 Along with Mommy and Daddy, Bennett, Granna, Opa were there watching.
Easter bunny pictures.  Trenton always loves mascots.  Bennett is still indifferent about them.
 Here is a look of our boy's first shiner.  Of course it happened the Friday before Easter weekend.  According to Trenton, he slid head first down our slide and knocked into a riding toy at the bottom. 
 The church has all kind of activities along with the hunt.  Some people were making balloon characters.  Trenton enjoyed playing with his bunny on a stick.  Others gave out goodie bags.  His favorite item inside was the chocolate egg.  He was not too excited about the marshmallow peep chick inside.   
The Park on Polk at our church is the best place for family time.  We always enjoy the activities there, as do the boys.
 Bennett had more fun with water bottles than eggs this Easter.

Granna and he sat on the hillside while the rest of us followed Trenton around as he explored the park.
He gathered dandelions, which he claims are like my flowers from when I got married.  They remind him of the picture of Kevin and me from our wedding day that has my bouquet with yellow calla lilies.  He says I'm a princess in that picture--he's so sweet!
Climbing on tree stumps.....
 then leaping down.  He wanted Opa to do it with him.   Bennett has also acquired the Leskoven sideways tongue.  Such a concentration behavior. 

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