Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gardenside Egg Hunt

The Gardenside egg hunt was postponed due to rainy weather last weekend to this weekend.  What did that mean for us?  Dual hunts in a day, and Trenton loved it!  We hooked Bennett into the Trike and walked over to the neighborhood park for the fun.  Bennett enjoyed watching all the activity and Trenton, of course, loved gathering eggs. 
Getting ready for the neighborhood egg hunt.  I love Bennett's bird hair!
Trenton always does this to Bennett.  He certainly loves him and will show it through his hugs and kisses.
Bennett likes the phone on the Trike.
Let the hunt begin!
Kendall and Trenton open their eggs.
Then, sweet Kendall helps Trenton make an egg necklace.  He wasn't too enthralled.

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