Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bennett 10 Months

It might be annoying but I'm going to include all pictures from this 10 month photo session.  I usually just pick a few, but they are hilarious to me and show the eventful camera moment rather well.

Before we get going on the photo sequencing pics, here are some Bennett facts from the last month.  There seems to be a lot......
1.  He stands all the time now and he doesn't know how to get down.
2.  Due to the above, this has been the worse month of sleep!  He wakes 4-6 times a night because he wakes, thinks it is time to play, stands himself up and cannot get back down to go to sleep.  The hollering starts.  It can go on hours unless you go in there and lay him back down.  Often I have to nurse him because otherwise he'll stand right back up and it is an endless cycle.  (I have to tell myself it is just a phase!)
3.  Luckily, he still naps morning (8:30-10) and afternoon (1-3) then goes to bed at 6.
4.  He might have a texture issue with food.  He still does not like to eat (or try) food.  He thrusts it out of his mouth with his tongue and/or gags to the point of throwing up.  It really doesn't seem like a concern now because he eats plenty of baby food, but it's just why we haven't been able to successfully advance to adult food like puffs, cheerios, peas, eggs, etc.
5.  He crawls from room to room now that the baby gate is up, and his curiosity grows as he explores.
6.  He does not like the church nursery.  He often cries when we get near the door and other times can hold the outburst until he is handed over to the worker.  Breaks my heart!  It's been 4 Sundays in a row of it! :(
7.  His smile just gets better as he gets older!  He is such a charmer!  Everyone comments on his toothed grin!
8.  He coos and grunts when there is something he wants.  For example, he'll be on my hip and see Trenton and Daddy out kicking the soccer ball.  As I turn to go another way, he starts his noises and if I turn back around to them he'll try to lunge out of my arms towards the action.  It's Bennett talk.
9.  He seems to be an "Opa's boy" and reaches out to him all the time.  Whether it is from my arms or if he bolts across the room crawling, he always reaches out for Opa to hold him.  Then, he nonchalantly puts one arm around him.  They're good buds.
10.  Glasses beware.  He likes to grab facial features and glasses especially catch his attention if you are wearing them.

Now, here is the play-by-play description from our photo session.
Our first picture may have been our best.  I should have stopped there.  When I say "our" I am talking about Trenton and myself because I certainly needed his help this go round!  Bennett's wiggling starts.
 He tries to get down.  Hates it (and lets us know!) when he try to keep him on the chair.
 So, we move to the floor where the sticker becomes the big distraction.
 My assistance, Trenton, gives him a toy and turns his head in the direction of the camera.
 This could be our second best pic.  Should have stopped here.
 A deer caught in the headlights but decent enough.
Again, the sticker comes off.
 And he wants it to stay off as he tosses it aside.
 We try chair pictures again, hoping to get one really good picture.  Then, Bennett is ready climb down again.
Session over.  He's diving for the floor now, and Trenton and I are exhausted.  That's enough.

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