Saturday, April 6, 2013

G-Day Game

To any Georgia fan, I would recommend the G-Day game.  First, it's usually beautiful in the spring and not too hot yet.  Second, the game is child-friendly so bring the family.  Third, it is free and you don't have specific seats.  Because of all of this, we were able to enjoy North Campus prior to the spring game, bring our kids to watch some Georgia football, and have good seats in the shade.  

I have a little game for you to play.  It's called Which Child? (Answers are at the bottom of the post.)
1.  Which child slept from kickoff until back in the car for the ride home?
2.  Which child would not fall asleep with all the activity around him?
3.  Which child got his picture taken with a football player who has the same name?
4.  Which child was most fascinated with the band members as we walked down to the hedges?
5.  Which child wished for a dog in the fountain on North Campus?
6.  Which child had lunch in Samford Stadium?

This is Trenton's version of tailgating.
North Campus was the best place!  It was shady and Trenton could run around.
It might not be a football, but both boys are obsessed with balls.
Classic Trenton hug.  Bennett is used to these by now.
Such a special picture of my future bulldogs.  Sorry, Daddy!
Trenton is our little jokester!
Bennett is our little blondie.....for the time being.  He'll grow out of it I'm sure.
Bennett wishes he could get in on the tackling.  He sees his Daddy and brother in the distance.  Soon baby boy.
Trenton wished for a dog in this fountain. LOL!
Go Dawgs!  Let's go scout out the team for the upcoming season!
The boys are ready for the game, too.
Bennett especially enjoys stroller rides.
Bennett and Opa about to enter Samford Stadium.
We took the boys down by the hedges. 
Michael Bennett is in the background.
We loved our seats in the shade and Bennett loved everyone playing with him.
Look at him staring at his Opa!
Granna sure knows her Trenton.  He slept the game away on her lap.  He's her boy!
It was a gorgeous day for the football nation!
Two exhausted boys on the walk back to the car.  Bennett finally fell asleep (on first push probably!) and Trenton never woke. 
That is, until we were back at the car.  We had to keep him rather entertained on the drive home.  The binoculars helped.

Child Trivia Answers: (if you weren't able to learn them as you read through the post)
1.  Trenton needs his sleep.  He fell asleep and slept in our laps for the entire game.  He didn't even wake up on the walk back to the car from the stadium.  However, was bright eyed and bushy tailed for the car ride home.  We felt bad because he was so excited about the football game that we couldn't break the news to him that he slept through the entire thing.  All the activity leading up to the game was enough to exhaust him (and a 1:00 kickoff--nap time--didn't help!)
2.  Bennett would not fall asleep.  This happy baby played in our laps for the whole game.  He had a 45 min power nap on the drive to Athens. 
3.  Bennett had a picture taken with Michael Bennett in the background.  If Michael didn't have to rush off for the start the game, we would have asked to have a better one.  This will do.
4.  Trenton grinned so big as we walked through the band section to go down to the field side.  He loves music and seeing their instruments was a big deal to him.  He waved in excitement.  That was probably the highlight out of everything down there.  Haha!
5.  Trenton is obsessed with coins and wishes.  No fountain can be passed.  Now where did he come up with that wish for a dog! 
6.  Bennett, in an attempt to help him fall asleep, was nursed through 2nd quarter.  (Love those hooter hiders!)  I never thought I'd one day do that inside Samford Stadium!  Lunch was served.

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