Saturday, May 4, 2013


We all know one of Trenton's favorite snacks, Danimals yogurt smoothies.  Several months ago, after nursing Bennett upstairs and putting him to bed, I came back downstairs to find this......
Danimals sitting in a row on the kitchen table.  Apparently, Trenton was hungry.....maybe starving is a better word by the looks of it.  We keep his yogurts on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator so he can get them all by himself.  He has his routine (and don't think of breaking it!)  He shakes it, grabs a straw from the cabinet and pokes it through all by himself.  He's Mr. Independent! 
So then I asked him how many he had.  He proceeded to count four and reply that he was hungry.  That's when we had a little talk about not having so many of those because you'd get a tummy ache and that if you're hungry, grab a different snack, too.  He is so responsible and knows he can't interrupt Mommy putting Bennett down because Bennett needs quiet time to drink his milk and go to sleep.  Gotta love him for his fine problem solving skills!  Let's fastforward to May.....
 This is how I found Bennett as I was trying to put groceries away. 
 He went straight for the smoothies that he's seen his brother eat every single day.
Now where are those straws?  :)  He learns from the best of them!

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