Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Farewell Party

Moving out definitely snuck up on us.  We didn't really have a chance to say bye to some of our friends in the neighborhood so we met them one evening for pizza.  Trenton and Madeleine enjoyed running around the empty house.  Then, we blew bubbles in the driveway with Maddox and Kendall before parting ways.  We know we'll stay in touch but it was nice having such good families right around the corner. 
 Trenton was impressed with the open space.
 Bennett followed every footstep as Trenton explored the empty house.
 The boys found fun climbing in the cleaned out cabinets. 
 Trenton and Madeleine hid in the closets.  We still had this CD player out.  They drug it in the closet to play with.
Good bye Gardenside friends.  Can't wait to invite you over to our new house!

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