Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pool (Without Swimming!)

We thought we'd spend the afternoon swimming at the pool.  We were half correct.  We were at the pool, but no swimming took place.  The entire hour and a half it thundered.  With the sun out, we kept thinking it would subside.  However, it never did.  We were still able to enjoy the afternoon.  The boys splashed in buckets, "painted" the sidewalk, squirted feet, bounced balls, and ate ice cream.  Sounds like a normal day. 
 This bucket was in the lost and found.  It was perfect because it had a little spout/hose connect for them to play with.  I'll have to look for this bucket at the store.
 Let the artwork begin!

 Toes beware!  Trenton is armed and dangerous!
 Opa and Granna were there with us making the afternoon even more fun.
 Oh boy!  Then the ice cream truck came.  Momma ran to the house and grabbed changed.  Trenton made his first ice cream truck purchase. 
 You better believe he went for the spiderman ice cream!  He thought the gum eyeballs were cool.  What a sticky mess!  Good thing we were at the pool!

We may have never made it in the big pool, but we filled up the baby pool for Trenton to splash and play in back at the house while we put Bennett to sleep. 

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