Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ga Aquarium

It was educator's day at the Georgia Aquarium as well as Pirate and Princess day.  So, Trenton dressed in his best attire excited about being a pirate.  It was Bennett's first time exploring the aquarium.  He was fascinated by the enormous tanks, however, Trenton seemed to run as quickly as he could through the exhibits.  They played in the play area then we watched Deepo the 4D movie, and saw Dolphin Tales.  Really, I can only say the grown ups saw the dolphin show.  Both boys quickly fell asleep on our shoulders.  Our aquarium time was up and it was time to head home. 
Trenton, the Pirate, and Bennett watch in amazement as the big fish swim by.
They loved the tunnel with fish all around you.  I couldn't get them to look at me, especially with the whale shark high above.
Big rays circled the tank as well.
Bennett took a short rest with Granna.
I love how small Bennett is in the picture and how big the tank of fish is.  He's so cute pointing up!
The penguin's crawl tunnel was perfect for up close views of these neat creatures.
How often are you able to get eye to eye with this waddling bird?  The boys thought it was cool!
Trenton liked feel animals in the tanks, too. 
Ahoy Matey!  There's no doubt these boys enjoy being captain. 
Bennett was super fun to watch.  Sorry for all the backs.  The fish were more interesting than the camera.
We appreciated Granna and Opa joining us to keep up with two active boys and stroller on a Saturday.
We are ready for the show with our 3D glasses on!
Trenton thought the big pirates were pretty awesome!
Two silly boys and two loving grandparents.
Round two through the tunnel tank with swords from the grandparents. .  Obviously the moving walkway and toys were more fun this time than the fish. 
They finally allowed me to get one picture of them. 
It's the best we could do.  Toys, fish and cameras don't go well together.  :)

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