Sunday, September 8, 2013

Just Another Sunday

I love this day!  It shows are outdoor personalities and sense of adventure.  Everything is about fun to these boys and there is plenty of fun to get into around the house.  
 Let's start with tee-ball.  Bennett loves tee-ball right now.  We set this up, or I should say, he sets this up daily!
 And he makes noise like counting....after three he swings. 
 Then, we move on to calculators.  Oh there are lots of random things in the toy boxes around our house.  They love to take our things and "borrow" them. 
 Trenton made a car wash for his matchbox cars.
 Then, turned Bennett's tee into a gun.  Pow pow!
 Oh, get ready, next the hose surfaced.
 Bennett was in shock of all the fun that could come out of that thing.
 Trenton helped him explore the purpose of the hose.
 In other words, poor Bennett got squirted.  A lot.  But, he appeared to love it.  Big brothers!
 It was, of course, no big deal to Trenton, who squirts himself in the face regularly. :) 
 Later, he showed Bennett how to use the hose so he could squirt it himself.  It was so sweet!
They certainly are wonderful brothers, learning more and more each day how to take care of each other!

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