Thursday, September 26, 2013

iphone randoms

We're fitting in the new hood pretty well.   The boys have friends in the cult-de-sac, older boys but they are still kids and fun to interact with.  Even though they are 2nd and 3rd graders, they want to play with Trenton and of course, Trenton wants to play with them.  On occassions, they've followed us into the driveway and rang the doorbell to play.  I don't think Trenton is aware that they are that much older than him.  He is still so innocent and sweet.  He always tells them, "Let me ask my Mommy."  I love it.  They're probably like, "What?"  Then you have the times when the boys want to cool off and spray the hose.  They take their shirts off.  Trenton asks and I give him permission for him to take his shirt off, too.  Fine with me.  But.....then his shorts get wet and before I can say anything, he's taking them (and his underwear!) off.  He sees nothing wrong with it because we've let him play in the hose naked all these years.  He's 3!  However, we quickly had a little chat about staying clothed, even when wet, when we are out in public now.  No more naked sprinkler play for this little man.  He's hangin' with the big boys!

Pretend battles.  My how this reminds me of my brother and his neighborhood friends growing up! 
There's B and T in the middle of it all!
Trenton was dying to try on the knight costume.
Oh, another day we went sledding!  Who needs snow?! 
Trenton loved it.  B was too little but wanting so badly to try it out.  I ended up having to pull him around the lawn. 
Bennett loves to get on Trenton's scooter now.  I push him around on it.  He thinks he's bigger than he is, too!
Granna sends home special treats.  Trenton eyes his donut man, but he can't have him until his green beans and mac n cheese are finished.  Look at that smile! 
Guess you can tell he finished his dinner!
Our boys love them some milk!  This is what our refrigerator looks like regularly.  We buy a gallon of whole milk and skim milk each time, and we go through those two jugs in two-three days.  I'm hoping we get the 2nd fridge working soon!

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