Friday, September 27, 2013

Movie Night

We had movie night at Trenton's preschool/church.  There was a bounce house, face painting, balloon artists and all kinds of tasty goodies prior to the movie beginning.  It was nice to meet some of Trenton's classmates.  Granna left once Daddy got there with Bennett.  He goes to bed early so was ready for bath, bottle, and bed.  We stayed with Trenton but he too got tired and asked to leave about halfway through the movie.  We didn't mind. 
 Trenton and his balloon sword/belt and Bennett with his puppy dog. 
 We couldn't have done it without Granna's help.  Mommy volunteered to work the bounce house and Daddy wasn't back from work.  Trenton sampled his first cotton candy.  It's a no go.  He was not a big fan.
Epic was the movie choice, and lucky for us, we hadn't seen it yet.

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