Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Night

The colors are absolutely beautiful from our house!  We love the changing leaves and falling leaves.  The big oak seems to fill our yard with these autumn wonders.  They're fun, but I'm sure we'll get annoyed with them eventually.  As for now, I'll just enjoy the magnificent view!
 The colors from our driveway.
 Bennett exploring Halloween afternoon.  I think he was too excited!  We couldn't get him to take his afternoon nap.  Haha!
 Bennett's latest obsession is the berries (balls to him) from monkey grass.  He'll play with them all day long.  
Finally trick or treating time!  Turtle Power! 
 Trenton and Samantha (another 3 yr old we met in the neighborhood) won the costume contest.
Bennett made it to a whopping 3 houses.  We kind of started too late because of the Halloween party.  
But, Trenton liked handing out candy just as much as trick or treating.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I know I have told you this before, but saying it again :) I LOVE that you have your blog so I can watch the boys growing up :) They are such cutie pies.
