Monday, November 18, 2013

Chainsaw Man

Bennett was a hoot to watch play with the toy chain saw this afternoon (as if Trenton wasn't enough in his school performance earlier today!)  Since Trenton had crashed on the way home from preschool, Bennett didn't have a playmate outside.  Kevin was pressure washing the driveway, so Bennett and I thought we ought to get some fresh air before his nap.  Even though our toy chainsaw is broken and doesn't make noise (I believe Santa's elves are making Bennett a new one) everytime the pressure washer was turned off, Bennett would repeat, "More, more" until it went back on.  He thought the humming of that machine went well with his sawing.  :)  What a fun Monday!
 Such a cutie pie obsessed with hats and outside toys! 
 He lugged that thing everywhere.
 Smiling from ear to ear! 
 He would walk from one end of the yard to a bush at the other end and then back again.
 He did pretend to turn it on and off, though.
 Working dudes!
 Bennett seems happy with his work.   
Well, maybe he needed to do a little more to get it just right. 

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