Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanksgiving Musical

If you want to talk about precious, just go to a 3 year old's musical!  Trenton't preschool Thanksgiving program was so cute.  It was the first event we've had and Kevin and I were so glad we both were able to make it.  It was funny to watch all the activity up on stage from the kids.  They knew the words and motions pretty well.  Some were a bit distracted at times.  Trenton started off strong.  It won't surprise you that he was the loudest child out there for the first couple songs.  However, he kept messing with his headpiece and turning around.  Of course he was front row and center so it bothered me.  It fell off and he probably put it back on thirty times in the 5-10 min performance.  His teacher filled me in later that a boy behind him kept playing with it, and then it would fall off.  Here I was out in the audience giving him the momma stare so he'd stop playing....oops!  :)  The 3 year olds concluded the day with a Thanksgiving feast.  It sure was fun seeing all the excitement these little Indians had!
 Trenton was so excited when his class walked in and he saw us in the audience.
 Granna and Bennett were there with us to watch.  Daddy videoed and I took pics.  Luckily, Granna could help with Bennett. 
 Our sweet boy, decked out in his Indian attire.
 Front and center!
 Jack P and Beckett sat next to him.
 What a cute face!  They made their shirts, necklaces, and headpieces.
 Look at all those 3 year olds!
 I'm a little scarecrow stuffed with hay.......
 Let the turning around begin!
 Good buddies Trenton and Jack.
 The motions were the best!
 Indian Man......
 Shooting arrows at the bear....
 feast time
Trenton and Mrs. Christine

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