Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 14: My Brother

I am thankful for my brother, Brad.  It's his birthday today, and I'm reminded of the important role he has played in my life.  I've been blessed to have him in my life since the very beginning. No one ever talks badly of him.  He's dedicated, smart and witty.  He perserves more than anyone I know.  We all can learn from his efforts and drive in life.  You don't control the cards you are dealt, yet the manner in which you conduct yourself shows your character.  Brad is dedicated to his job and the community depends on him.  He not only is a hard worker in the office, but his passion to help in the schools and volunteer with children who need a mentor, defines the person he is.  I admire these traits in him, and I'm grateful to have him as my big bro.

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