Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 13: Friends

I am thankful for my college friends.  We have a close niche group of girls who are all in different stages of life.  Some married with kids, some pregnant, some engaged and some independent, social women.  Yet, we all can relate.  Everyone is always caring and genuine, and I admire unique traits about each girl.  We always get together for birthday and catch each other here and there in between those occasions.  We love it when there is a wedding in the future because that means more time to spend together with showers, bachelorettes, and of course, the wedding itself. (Hooray for Al's next year!)  Regardless, it is a good time.  We laugh, cry, share, and reminisce each time we're together.  At such a big school like UGA, I certainly feel blessed to have found these 7 other girls who I can count on to this day.  Good friends are hard to come by.  I feel blessed for having these ladies in my life!

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