Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 22: Relaxation

I am thankful for relaxation.  It is easy for me to stay busy, busy, busy.  I admit, in a crazy sort of way, I kind of like staying active like that.  I often don't even sit down on the sofa in the evenings because I know I'm going to fall asleep.  That's what happens when I stop.  However, today, I had a facial.  What a lovely way to relax and rejuvenate.  I have been blessed to receive monthly spa services.  Kevin gave me them as a gift when I was first pregnant with Bennett.  I have kept it up trying to go every month for one special treat.  It's my time.  I can't say I'm great about getting it in every month.  Kevin loves it when I have a roll over service and I make him a massage appointment. Nevertheless, whenever I go, I am simply loving it!  I'm grateful for this opportunity to reenergize as a mom and wife.  

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