Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6: My Health

I am thankful for my health.  Oddly enough, I actually began feeling sick this evening.  My body was aching, my throat was felt like I was beginning to come down with something.  However, I took NyQuil, went to bed at 7, took more NyQuil in the middle of the night, and by midday the next day, I was fine.  Rest and meds definitely did the trick.  It made me think of how many people have health issues, though.  Daily, even hourly, they suffer through annoyances, pain and discomfort.  I feel very fortunate to not have any situation like that to deal with.  The strength of these individuals and their perseverance, I admire.  It is hard to maintain a smile and positive attitude when you're body hurts, yet these people do it regularly.  Some you never know are even ill.  I have the up most respect for these people for their tolerance and drive in life.

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