Monday, December 16, 2013

Bennett-18 Month

Bennett is a charmer.  He has a beautiful smile and will shine it to anyone, as long as he is in the comfort of Momma.  He is certainly a Momma's boy.  He doesn't like strangers or anything startling.  (Very different from Trenton).  He never cries because of noises, yet he simply needs to be in my arms to satisfy his anxiety.  He is even hesitant to go to other family members a lot of the time.  He runs to me if he even hears a truck at the end of the street passing by our cult de sac or if he thinks I may be leaving.  His arms instantly reach up if there is a loud sound nearby from a neighbor mowing the lawn.  Overall, Bennett seems more serious to the extent that he is extremely cautious.  Trenton didn't really have this hesitation or worry, although he was always a safe child.  Bennett is equally as curious as Trenton, though, and eager to explore; however, he just needs to be in your arms or holding your hands.  I love this about him! 

From Bennett's well check, his stats read:
weight-22 lbs, 12 oz (11%)
height- 32 3/4 in (60%)

He continues to mimic his brother daily.  Here are some of our favorites.  When he attempts to spit in the sink while brushing his teeth.  He pulls aways, leans over, and makes a noise.  To him, that is spitting.  Running to spot Chippey (our elf) each morning.  He gets so excited because Trenton does.  It cracks us up how sometimes Bennett spies him first and shows Trenton where he is.  Grabbing swords (anything that resembles a sword really) and yelling "hiya, hiya, hiya" continuously.  Running to the toilet before bath and lifting up his shirt to "pee" before entering the bath tub.  Oh, the list goes on.
He also continues to go to bed between 6-7 and wakes around 6 in the morning.  He likes to go for walks more than Trenton and is content just strolling around.  He wants to play driver in the jeep as often as I let him.  Money is a favorite.  The coins intrigue him.  He likes to gather them and drop it in piggy banks or any sort of container.  He stills loves hats, trucks, balls, socks and shoes.  He recently has gotten into books.  He would rather read 2 pages, throw it down and then get another.  We are working of stamina.  Haha!  He enjoys playdough, drawing, stickers.....anything he sees Trenton working on, he is anxious to try.      

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