Monday, December 30, 2013

Gardens Lights: Holiday Nights

We finally made it to the Botanical Gardens!  We have been wanting to take the boys to their Garden Light: Holiday Lights display but between the rainy weather and our sick December, we weren't able to make it until after Christmas.  It didn't matter one bit.  The boys enjoyed walking the gardens on this cold night to view the various lights.  The model train really caught Bennett's attention.  He has been obsessed with choo-choos (his words.....coo-coo) lately. 
Strolling into the Gardens at dusk.  Bennett wanted to explore by walking a little.  We thought this was a good idea before it got dark.
The Imaginary World's displays look magnificent lit up with lights. 
 One of their favorite parts was the model train area.
 Bennett didn't want to leave. 
 Three trains were going, all on different paths.  Here are two going simultaneously.
 Bennett got excited every time one passed.    Then he'd wait for the next to come.  We had to let Trenton and Daddy go run around and little while we stayed to watch the trains a little more.
 The still fountain showed a spectacular light reflection when you looked down at the water.
 The edible garden section was full of bugs glowing in the sky.
As the night progressed, the displays became more vibrant and beautiful. 
  The music played with the lights on this field.  Walking back towards the front had a nice canopy of lights. 
The Goddess (another part of the Imaginary World's attractions) looked cool from high above on the canopy walk. 

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