Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ikea Mission

Ikea is a great place, but it can be overwhelming.  However, we had nothing to do this Saturday.  The boys were still getting over the flu, so we cancelled our plans to go to the twins' birthday party and my college friend's (after) holiday party for fear that another child might catch their germs.  I was not going to be that mom!  So, Kevin and I got the brilliant idea of taking a quick trip to Ikea in search of a bookshelf.  Nothing is quick at Ikea, but is was a successful get-out-of-the-house-outing in the midst of being stuck in our house 24/7.  We thought the shelf would be a perfect way to spend the Christmas money Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Les & Karen had given us.  We certainly appreciate their kind gesture and now have something special to remember them and this Christmas by.  Plus, the toys were driving me absolutely nuts!  The rest of our Saturday was spend putting away Christmas decorations, assembling the shelf and reorganizing the toys.  I have to admit, they playroom looks mighty nice. I'm very happy with the end result!  It was all worth it!
 Ikea has a great kids' section.  Trenton loved this canopy chair.!
 Trenton and Bennett help Daddy assemble the new shelf.
 The new shelf looks amazing!  The boys know that each crate has a theme and where things go.  Trenton might not be the best at picking up after himself, but he certainly knows were everything goes!
 It is such as nice set-up!  I love it!
It matches perfectly with our previous shelf from the old house, too. 

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