Sunday, February 16, 2014

Go, Go Power Wheels!

The snow has completely melted, minus a few large snow ball areas.  We thoroughly enjoyed the snow, but the sunshine today was wonderful!  The boys had the chance to take their power wheels out for a spin.  They rode those 4 wheelers all over the yard and cult de sac for an hour staight.  Time to recharge! 
 Bennett is hot stuff on his 4 wheeler!
 Trenton rides his like a champ!  He's up and over bumps.  He ran right over his remaining snow ball on the bottom left like it was nothing at all.  It surprised me how fast his 4 wheeler goes on grass. 
 He rides it down the cult de sac incline to the sidewalk or neighbors' yard to play. 
 I really do LOVE the location of our house inside our hilly neighborhood!  We luck out!  The boys have so much play space.  Trenton is in the background circling around. 
 They stopped to kick a snowball.  Only boys!
 It turned into ninja moves for Trenton.  He has sais created from sticks. 
 Bennett takes the thing on the grass, too.
 He is funny because he likes to crash it into something and then say, "Uh-oh!" and climb off to check things out. 
 He looks up at the tree and then cracks up.  Oh to be 1 again!!!
 He can be so so serious, too.  The painters across the street caught his attention. 
 Trenton successfully chopped the snowball in half!
You have to be careful.  Bennett sneaks onto Trenton's 4 wheeler when you are not looking.  He thinks it is hilarious, but it's way too fast for him unless you are holding on to him while it is going. 

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