Monday, February 17, 2014

The Greatest Show on Earth!

For President's Day, Trenton was off preschool.  We, once again, grabbed Opa to join us at the Barnum and Bailey circus downtown at Phillips Arena.  We chose the 11:00 show thinking 3:00 was nap time and 7:00 was bedtime.  In the end, we learned that even 11:00 can be nap time.  Poor Trenton Luke was dog tired!  He fell asleep an hour in and missed half the show.  Although Bennett was tired, he kept reciting "atch, atch" (watch) and never fell asleep.  That kid can stay awake during anything!  It was pretty much deja vu from the G-Day game in Athens last year.  Lucky for us, we got to the show an hour ahead of time to go down on the floor.  We saw demonstrations and clowns up close, and got special circus treats.  That was cool!  Of course Trenton's favorite part was the laser gun Opa bought him.
 What clowns!  Bennett and Opa wear the clown noses!
Both the boys loved the clowns.  However, Trenton's face is hysterical and Bennett can't take his eyes off her.  You'd think they were afraid by this picture!  We sat on the floor and looked directly up at the amazing gymnastics above us.
 Trenton joined the dance party for kids.
 And of course, we couldn't resist Trenton's persistent mind.  He wanted that laser gun so badly. We gave in!  I actually brought a light up baton for Bennett.  (Trenton had one, too, but the gun was way cooler!)  Both boys had fun with their glowing toys!
We were just a few rows up from the floor!  Even better, the row directly in front of us was entirely empty.  Who knows why, but we were not complaining!  They were the best seats by ever! 
 The elephants are always fun to watch.
Then the acrobats came out with all sort of tricks and performances.  That was all the pics I could take.  Wiggle worms were on my lap for the duration.  :)
Except for this quick picture on the phone.  Opa made a good pillow!

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