Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Boys at the Botanical Gardens

We took advantage of another nice day and went to the Botanical Gardens with the Spivas.  The older two boys were ran around while the younger two tried to follow.  They mostly gave up and became preoccupied with something else in the area.  After the gardens, we ate a picnic lunch in Piedmont Park and saw the blimp flying over the Atlanta skyline.  The boys tried to chase it and we then had to chase them to get them to turn around.  Another great day with friends!
 Hudson 5, Trenton 4, Bennett 1, Grant 2
 The boys really have fun together.
You rarely catch Bennett with such a stern look.  Maybe he was wondering where his egg was?  Here it is! 
How big is Bennett?  So big!!!  He turned 22 months today.  His 2nd birthday is quickly approaching.
 Momma loves her day trips with her boys!  We enjoy being on the go in the mornings, home for naps, then spending the afternoons playing around our house.
Bennett blowing kissing and acting silly.  He moves less than his older brother so I'm able to get more pics of him today with the gorgeous tulips! 
 Or he gets distracted with the activities throughout the gardens. 
They loved the overhead waterfall.  One area had a small drip.  Let's just say Trenton was mighty wet when we continued our walk.  Good thing it was 80 today!

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