Thursday, April 3, 2014

Morgan Falls After Errands

We have been very lucky!  Spring is in full force and we are taking advantage.  Today, we ran errands preparing for Bennett's birthday party (not until the end of May but Mommy is a planner!), picked up our Easter pictures from Belle Choses, and stopped by Morgan Falls Overlook Park since we were already in Sandy Springs.  They boys love that playground and we don't venture that way nearly enough.
 Bennett was excited to see the "wa-wa" (water).
Trenton was excited to climb the net.  Such different stages in life right now.  We brought our parachute man and he was a huge hit from the tall playground.  Trenton would drop him from the top and Bennett would catch him below (or at least attempt!)
This is crazy....two random playground pictures and Trenton and Bennett have the same expression.  I'm noticing that a lot more lately.  Bennett certainly looks up to his brother, and because of that Trenton and I are daily having discussions about how he is teaching B how to behave and what to do.  Sometimes T likes that leadership opportunity and other times he wants B to stop watching.  I explained that that is not an option, so make good, safe choices.  Haha! 
 Row, row, row your boat!  Bennett enjoyed rocking the boat.
 Look at all those kids stuck in the web!  Meanwhile, Bennett and I stuck to swinging.  He is more into swinging than T was at this age.  However, T does really enjoy swinging now at the age of 4. 

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