Friday, April 11, 2014

Slammed Pack Friday

I had the most productive day ever.  By 9:30, I had completed more than most mom's can in a day, and somehow it wasn't hard.  We were up and out of the house by 6:30/45 driving to the dentist.  Our dentist is still across town but we love, love, love Dr. Howard and his staff, so we continue to attend A+ Pediatric Dentristy of Atlanta.  (Recommend it to anyone!!)  Our appointment was at 7:30.  I wanted it earlier enough so Trenton could still make preschool, and unfortunately, we drive with the traffic to the dentist's office.  We arrived happy and excited!  Not only did they see Trenton, but they offered to go ahead and do Bennett's so we don't have to come back for him cleaning/x-rays this summer.  Yippee!  We were on our way to preschool by 8:15 with two pearly white smiles.  It was also picture day so we dressed Trenton in the parking lot of church into his nice clothes (didn't want toothpaste on them from the dentist.)  The photographer was sweet and allowed us to have sibling pictures, so we were able to have them together before school even started.  Time now-8:50.  Preschool opened.  We walked T in and then stopped into Starbucks afterward.  Bennett and I took anticipated bringing Uncle Brad coffee, but he had a client waiting on him so the two of us went into the Marietta Square for breakfast and playtime.  Bennett loved having the train playground practically to himself.  We ate by the fountain, ran on the grass, and enjoyed this special time together.  By 10, we were out and driving to Kennesaw Mnt to hike the summit.  We figured on a nice day like this, there was no need in driving home then back to pick T up from preschool at noon when we could enjoy the great outdoors.  We met my friend JJ who was on maternity leave and loaded the kids up for the hike.  Then, (yes there is a then!) we picked Trenton up and went to Granna's office for lunch.  We bought take out sandwiches from Daily Bread and had a picnic at Lewis Park behind the hospital.  Finally, it was now 1:30 and the boys fell asleep for naps driving home.   
 Where is everyone?
 I have this whole place all to my self!
 Getting ready for our hike.  Bennett checked out the boom, boom cannon.
Two of us got exercise.  Two of us rested.  Great time on this beautiful day!

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