Saturday, April 12, 2014

Soccer Sundays

Soccer Sundays has been our theme this spring.  We had two games this weekend, though, because we were making up one canceled because of rain.  The good thing was, GiGi was in town to watch it. 
 Trenton and Coach 2014 Lightning  
 Bennett is his #1 fan!
 Daddy giving Trenton pointers.
 Then, showing him moves.
 Trenton, Jack and Eli practicing the skills of dribbling.
 Trenton is one of the best dribblers on the team.  He really has good control of the balls and awareness of the boundries now.
 One of the kids favorite game is hiding their eyes, then dribbling to find the coach.
 Listening to the coach.
 Gametime!  At this age and in this league, they scrimmage the 2nd part of the hour.  It's usually 4 on 4.  Trenton is in the middle of the pack of girls dribbling the ball. 
 He makes a steal and heads to the goal.
Way to go!  Coach Daddy encourages his players.

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