Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I'm and beyond blessed with my family!  I loved spending my 5th Mother's Day with my husband, kids and parents!  They are the most precious things in my life!
Momma and her boys before church Mother's Day morning.
Enjoying the gorgeous afternoon on the screened in porch.  Daddy smoked a Boston Butt on the egg and we played Boom!  Boom!  Balloon.
Granna covers Trenton's ears.  Will it pop!
I love Opa's face in the background as he clicks the stick.
Rolling the many clicks!
This is how Bennett hid in preparation of the balloon popping; by laying flat on the ground.  Bennett was super excited about Granna's homemade pound cake.  He grabbed the tub and carried it for her.  No way it was leaving his sight!
After games and dinner, we moved on to bubbles while Daddy mowed the lawn.
The bubble wands have always been a big hit with our boys.  1st time out this season, though.  Now they are permanently out.  Haha!
They were cover with soapy suds!
Not only did they enjoy making the bubbles, but they got a kick out of swatting them down or stepping on them.  We eventually worked our way to shooting them down with spray bottles and water guns.  
They were huge!  Momma's homemade solution......bucket of water, about a cup of dish soap, and maybe a 1/4 a cup of glycerin.  (You find that in the 1st aid section.)  The bubbles are gigantic and long lasting!
My table of mother's day gifts. I received a tear jerker of a book, Let Me Hold You Longer, from my parents.  If you have kids, you have to read it!  It's a sweet picture book.  Homemade items from the boys and silhouettes of each of them.
They turned out so similar!  Surprise, surprise!  B is on the left and T on the right.  The difference is mild: shape of head, amount of hair, slightly turned up pug nose on T, and more of a double chin on Baby B.  
Trenton drew these at the sitters house.  His version.  :)

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