Saturday, May 10, 2014


My running buddy from school, Brittany, and I took the boys on a 5K race this weekend.  It was the SuperCon at Piedmont Park, and we felt they would get a kick out of all the dressed up people.  Sure enough, they did!  We were batman and the stroller was the batmobile.  Equipped with cape shirts, new batman toys, lunchables and lollipops, the boys were fantastic (of course making the race much easier!)  We finished in 30 minutes......not so bad for the additional 62 lbs of children and who knows what of the double stroller weight!  Although the boys rode mostly, we told Trenton he could run at the end when the crowd died down.  However, the final quarter mile come up faster than we realized.  He did run it, hurdling the orange cones and with his cape flying in the wind, and received a huge cheer while crossing the finish line.  I had a little bit of guilt because I made him wait to run not knowing his little brother was going to be content riding in the stroller still.  Usually whatever T does, B does as well.  Next time I'll get him out sooner so he can run a little more.  He definitely had the energy!  
Brittany and myself waiting with the boys for the race to begin!  They had masks kids could decorate and wear.  B liked his.
 Out of all the superheros there, who did Trenton like the most?  This crazy advertisement guy!
We did it!!!

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