Friday, June 6, 2014

Capturing Lightning Bugs

We had our friends, The Powells, over for dinner while they were in town from Texas.  Unfortunately, two of their boys were sick with strep, but we at least were able to see Kinsey, Justin, Sawyer and Doc (grandpa).  The boys enjoyed playing together and had the most fun with balloon rockets and lightning bugs!
Ms. Kinsey caught one.  Bennett loves his new bug cage and since it is the only one currently working right now, we use it a lot.  Thank goodness he likes the word more and sharing!  
 Trenton is king of catching!  He gets them faster than any of us.  Bennett is helpful and points them out to us.  Then, he likes for you to capture it, transfer it to his hand, then he can put it in his age all by himself.
 Bennett showing where are they with his arms.  He's so adorable when he looks for things!
 Mr. Justin and Sawyer add bugs to the box.  They're adding up!
 Trenton counts them before he open the cage for the lightning bugs to fly home to their families.

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