Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Movies

If you haven't taken advantage of the summer children's movies, DO!  Many theaters offer them.  Ours, less than 5 mins away, is a part of the Georgia Theatre Company and has weekly shows at 10:00 Tues and Thur, and they only cost $1.  Bennett is free and popcorn/drinks are only $1.50.  Opa called us his cheap dates this week when we went to see Despicable Me 2.  
Bennett did a great time at his first official movie.....going as a baby didn't count!  He sat still and watch for almost the entire thing.  Now, we did go through about 5 different kinds of snacks, but who's counting, and we only had to stretch our legs on two brief occasions.  (We walked to the restroom and back.)  This is the nice part about having Opa there.  He can stay with Trenton and I can adhere to Bennett's needs.

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