Monday, June 2, 2014

Imagine It....Bennett is 2

Bennett is 2 today, so we took a special trip to the Children's Museum downtown.  Opa joined us to keep up with these full-speed boys.  We had a great time exploring!
 John Deere boys!
 Building and creating their masterpiece!  They worked well together on this project.
 Trenton liked to operate the crane that picked up and dumped balls.  Bennett had a great time just watching.
 We spelled this in honor of Bennett-Boy!
 Painting.....we did this twice!  So much fun!  There were sound activities.  Trenton was the #1 participant at them.  He got the sirens right and was able to dress up like a police officer.
 They enjoyed fishing in the play pond.
 Then, after naps, we played in the yard and celebrated B's birthday even further.  Granna and Opa gave him a grill, soft frisbee, and bug box (to match his older brother's).  We played with all....and even threw in a game of family baseball!
 Trenton liked his popsicle.  Bennett went for the cake.  Bennett holding up two fingers because he's 2!

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