Friday, July 18, 2014

Afternoon Around Mi Casa

We had Aunt Carolyn, Opa, Granna, Uncle Brad and Aunt Jacquleyn over to our house for dinner Friday. 
Aunt Carolyn got to hang out in our yard with us and see the kids in full action.  Trenton was Buzz Lightyear!
Opa gave Bennett a pony ride on his leg.  Bennett loved it!
 The Incredible Hulk is the newest super hero.   Trenton claimed to be him using his strength and muscles.  Bennett copied, go figure!

 Bennett thought he was wearing the knight helmet correctly.  Haha!
 Cooling down with dual fans.....on hand held one from the zoo and the baby stroller one.
 Our little daddy mowing the lawn.
 Break and chill out time
 Same expression even!  Wow!
 When Uncle Brad arrived, he had a surprise......his sleeping bag!  He heard how much the boys had been loving their sleeping bags lately.
 Uncle Brad and Trenton Luke
 Sitting around the living room playing balloon boom!
 Will it pop on Aunt Carolyn?  The boys watch in suspense.
 No, it always pops on Trenton!  :)

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