Saturday, July 19, 2014

Baseball in the Yard

Baseball is a recently found-again love around our home.  Kevin gets out there and throws pitches to the boys frequently.  He had just purchased Trenton's first real aluminum bat and real baseballs early this Saturday so it was fun to have Granna, Opa and Aunt Carolyn out in the front yard playing a game.
 Trenton up at bat.  Daddy pitching.  Opa is in the outfield and Aunt Carolyn is behind the plate.  Bennett and I play in the field and Granna waits to bat next and hit Trenton in!
 Batter up!  Bennett gathers balls.
 Bennett points for Opa to try to tag Trenton out.  He's safe at 2nd!
 Bennett's turn at bat.  We pulled out the tee and he had fun with it, but soon he was ready to ditch it and receive pitches himself from Daddy.
 6th inning.....just kidding! :)
 Trenton in Opa's lap.  He climbs up all the time now.  We sure have enjoyed having him around all the time this summer since he is retired.  He's always a huge help and a sweet playmate.
 brother and sister
 Playing in the sandbox while Daddy grilled the steak.
Bennett and Aunt Carolyn

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