Saturday, July 12, 2014

Couples Wine Tasting Wedding Shower

Some of my friends and I had the best time Saturday throwing a wine tasting couples shower at Vino Venue in Dunwoody.  It was for one of our college friends, Allison, and the perfect setting for this NYC couple.  We had fun celebrating them and sharing the evening in the company of good family and friends.
Allison and Matt
 Since their wedding is in Newport, the petit fours mimic the infamous bridge.

 A wine journal was set up as the guest book and each couple took home a wine stopper as their favor.
 College friends....Cheryl, Grayson, Allison, me, JJ, and Melanie......we missed you Tobin and Mary!
Cheryl and Busbee sampling the wines.  It was so modernized.  You have a prepaid card.  A variety of 20-30 wines are set up in the store in their unique machines.  A pump then fills your glass according to the desired amount: tasting, half glass, full glass.  The wines range in variation and price.  What a cool concept!
 me, Meredith, Allison, JJ
JJ, me and Melanie

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