Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tanglewood Farm

My dad suggested a farm north of us in Canton, so we tried it out this July day.  The unique part about Tanglewood Farms is that the animals are miniature.  By following green gates, you enter and maze your way through the property seeing various animals in pens (set up like a town) along the way.  You can pet and brush the animals, and because they are not huge, it isn't intimidating on younger children (ha, like mine are even scaredy cats!)  Here's our adventure!  
 The surroundings created a real western town atmosphere.
 Starting the tour.
 The goats were in the "jail" pen.
 They all had gorgeous blue eyes.
 The sheep were all sleeping so we petted them night-night.
 These were the alpacas, which were extremely unique and interesting to see upclose.
 The schoolhouse had ponies.
 Bennett was hilarious waving his adorable and mischievous hi to all the animals when they looked his way.
 Trenton brushing the Shetland pony.
 One of the many pigs.
 There were more western town-like set-ups along the way.
 The mine shaft pen was home to lots of the birds.
 Check out this turkey!  I thought he was one of the prettiest animals there.
 The boys were very intrigued by this tom.  You don't see these everyday!
Trenton and Bennett wouldn't even take their eyes off the turkey for a picture.  
 There were also donkeys.

 Many babies had been born recently.  Here was the Momma donkey and her new baby.
 More goats in a separate area.
 It was neat to feel their horns.
 Baaaaa.....Bennett knows the goats sound.
Beware of the Indians!  Bennett liked exploring the tepee.  
 The farm had a play section as well.  Although both boys rode the bull, Bennett seemed to have the most fun with it.
 Ride 'em buckaroo!!
 Afterwards, we washed hands in fresh running water that drained in an clever, old tub.  We also explored the gift shop.
Finally, we enjoyed a fabulous picnic Granna had packed for all of us under the shade trees.  

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