Thursday, August 28, 2014

Seadogs Baseball

We started baseball during this hectic week.  Kevin is coaching, which I think is a good thing, but after a week's worth of practice, I have found that Trenton likes his hat and the dirt the most.  Hopefully, baseball itself will soon follow.  LOL
 Warming up.  Their hats are adorable with their names on it.  I can hardly wait for jersey time!
Practicing with daddy.  They have 2 practices a week, one on the fields and the other at the cages, and then 2 games a week, too.  That's a bit much in my mind, but I mean, we could be training a future Little League World Series player.  :)
 Being silly with a buddy while waiting his turn to bat.  Bennett snacking and watching.
Their favorite part.....the mound of Georgia red clay for the fields.  It's the best thing to entertain them and the worst thing to wash.  I can't win.

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