Monday, October 27, 2014

Magic Kingdom

It's off to Magic Kingdom today!  We got there by 8:40 to see the character parade during the grand opening.  The crowds were so minimal in the beginning, but the park quickly filled up.  We went straight to Tomorrow Land, but if I had to do it again, we'd probably go straight to Fantasy Land where the most rides are for little kids.  Everyone was so excited to ride rides.  We hopped on one thing after another.  Although it started out nice, the warmth of Florida still hit us in the end of October and we were searching for shade.  There's lots more walking at this park so be sure to wear tennis shoes.  
 The Halloween decorations were awesome!
 Entering Magic Kingdom and walking towards Main Street.
 Walking down Main Street towards the castle.
 It certainly was a magical sight to see.....
 ....although we quickly captured and picture and went on our way to the rides!
 Right away, everyone went on the Lilo and Stitch attraction, because the boys are on a big Lilo and Stitch wave.  However, Bennett was too little so I took him on the Toy Story ride.  We ended up doing it twice as soon as the others finished their ride because there wasn't a line at all.
 More character meetings......this time Stitch!   Everyone made creations with Mickey.
 We had lunch reservations at The Plaza.  I highly recommend this place.  It was in the middle and perfect!
 Trenton creating Mickey with his dessert.  (One child is an ice cream fan and the other will never pass up cookies with milk!)
 They were beside themselves when they were able to meet Buzz Lightyear.
Opa and Granna took the boys on some rides while Kevin and I rode Space Mountain (faster roller coaster.)  Then, we all went on more together.  Trenton is on the Carousel of Progress and Bennett is in It's a Small World.  The open mouthed smile was a frequent appearance from Bennett along with points in excitement.  He loved everything!!!
 We can never pass up a carousel!
 Best idea indoor playground with a buzzer (like waiting at restaurants) prior to the Dumbo line.  Sure beats standing in line anyday!
 Bennett and Daddy ready for Dumbo!
 Trenton and Mommy are also ready to fly high in the sky!
 On the way to Frontierland, we caught the parade.  Even though it was on our schedule, it slipped our mind.
 We were lucky to find a good viewing spot in the shade.
 The boys loved it!
 Trenton was able to stand on the fence.
 When Bennett fell asleep, we took Trenton on a big kid roller coaster.
We got to sit 3 deep in the roller coaster car.  It was a so fun!
 Making more pennies and going on a pirate hunt!
 The longest line of the day.....Pirates of the Caribean!  I wouldn't do it again.  Although it said 35 minutes, it was a hour and a half!  We were stuck!
 The Jungle Cruise!  I was excited for this to see the boys reactions.  Kevin was scared to death of it growing up.
 Bennett pointed to everything.  So fun!
 Here are the hippos.......officially scary part for K.
 Then the elephants....
 He loved it!!!  Guess he doesn't take after his daddy!
 There were toys in the Winnie the Pooh line, too.  We liked that!

 B gets to ride his 1st roller coaster!
 The castle was gorgeous under the moon.  Glowing Mickey ears.....technically, bunny, but oh well!  
 We were crashing, but we stayed for the fireworks show!
 We barely caught a glimpse of the electric water parade on the walk back to the shuttle.

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