Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pumpkin Patch Excitement!

Even if the weather is foggy and drizzling, the pumpkin patch is tons of fun!  
 Our favorite desination is Kinsey Family Farms in Gainesville!
 Thank goodness it was covered!  The boys ran around super excited about all the pumpkins.
We can still pull out our pumpkin hat from Trenton's very first Halloween.  It is its 4th year in use and still going strong!
I love the gourds and miscellaneous pumpkins.  Too bad our house is still a wreck and we won't be decorating the inside this year!  :(
 Granna and Opa joined us like usual.  We love their company!  It's pretty much a tradition!
 Trenton picking out one of the largest pumpkins.  We had a rule that he had to be able to lift the pumpkin he chose to take home.  This one didn't win.  Haha!
Tractor rides......wouldn't want to miss out on that!!
  Ready for the tractor pulled hayride!  Trenton took over the pumpkin hat so we convinced Bennett to use the football one.  So glad we have one easy going for now!  LOL!
 Oddly enough, we ran into our kickball friends at the patch.  Trenton was excited to see Carter and meet his buddy, Rucker.
 Feeding the fish at the fish pond.
 We're having so much fun!
 The catfish are huge!  Probably overfed!
 Trenton is all smiles on the ride back to the barn.
 Bennett pulls the wagon and found his perfect pumpkin!
 Two brothers
 We learned something.....cows love to eat pumpkins!
 You have a pumpkin beard!
 The horses were nice to see but they don't let you feed them.
 After the cows ate their pumpkin, they were ready for the grain crackers.
 Check out that tongue!  We got a little slobber from this guy!
Bennett feeds one.  He was a bit intimated at first.

 But beyond excited once he saw Trenton comfortable feeding them.
 Trenton and his best buddy......we made sure he didn't get too close.  We didn't want the cow to go after the pumpkin hat.  Yikes!
What clever Halloween decorations to attempt in future years!  

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