Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pink Out Baseball Game

In the fight against breast cancer, Trenton's baseball league had a pink out game.  Trenton was super excited about his pink sweatbands, but not so thrilled about his pink shoes laces.  (Sometimes you can't win!)  Nevertheless, he wore it all and loved showing them off and sharing with his team mates.  GiGi and PaPaw were here for this game and Trenton had a big fielding game.  Over a handful of balls were hit his way in the in field and not one got by him.   He really is doing so good!  We're proud of his improvement!  
The players were encouraged to wear pink in anyway.
 Trenton geared up in pink shoelaces and sweatbands!
 Batter up.....we bought a helmet so it fits much better now.  :)
 Notice he isn't having to hold on to it.  :)
 Safe at 1st!   (He was hot in the 80+ weather so put his sweatbands in his bag. )
 Bennett got to play baseball when he got home from the game with PaPaw.
He loves baseball and will probably be an even better player since he's into it much younger.  He's so strong and hits better off the tee than most of Trenton's teammates.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! The kids are really looking like naturals. Trenton looks so cute with his pink acessories. Hahaha! It's great that they are already shaping up quite nicely in the field and practice at such a young age. I'm sure a bright future awaits both of them. Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures! All the best!

    Jennine Stalder @ Uniforms Express
