Saturday, October 11, 2014

Scarecrows in the Gardens

We took GiGi and PaPaw to the Botanical Gardens to see their scarecrow displays and join in the weekend fall activities for children.  Although we didn't know if the rain would catch us, we attempted the adventure anyways.  We arrived with overcast skies and left with the sun shining in full stream.  It was a nice outing and we are glad they were able to squeeze in a visit to Georgia!
Trenton and Bennett excited to see the first display.  Olaf from Frozen was one of the scarecrows.
There were a number of creative garden-ish displays.  Here were dragons made from flowerpots.
Although foggy, you could slightly see the Atlanta skyline in the background.
The 4 seasons sculptures were still up.
Winter                                                                             Spring
Summer                                                                               Fall
The enormous cobra snakes haven't been taken down yet either.  Fun day with PaPaw and GiGi!
We were able to view the frog feedings as well.  We've never witnessed this so it was pretty cool.
They showed us some of the frogs before the feeding began.
Next, the frog hopped onto the glass.  We laughed seeing this, and then, when the man held in a cricket with tweezers, the frog's long, sticky tongue captured it.  So interested!  Trenton was front row watching it all and it was a good science lesson.
These frogs gathered to feast on the fruit flies thrown into the tank.  Many of them were poison dart frogs from the rain forest habitat.
We did pumpkin bowling in the children's area.
And made corn husks by counting sets of 10 beans.
The boys loved showing off their corn husk crafts.  It was such a wonderful preschool activities for T and B really enjoyed it but I had to help quite a bit obviously.  :)
We sure are growing!  Mommy wants y'all to stop and freeze at this stage!  The brothers always enjoy each other's company where ever we go!
Trenton would never get his hand painted.  He doesn't like things on him what so ever.  But, Bennett was all about it.  He couldn't wait and was so still and proud after his hand was painted.  Very different personalities at times!  Haha!

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