Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day

It was a double Christmas for us.  Santa came in the morning, then GiGi and PaPaw gave the boys their presents.  Luckily, in the midst of day after day of rain, today was gorgeous!  We were able to enjoy playing outside with our new toys!
 Trenton's santa pile
 Bennett's santa pile
 Starting the unwrapping.
 Trenton still loves his santa hat from his very 1st Christmas.
 Bennett asked for games.  He got his favorite.....Zingo!
 Bennett with his puppy to walk and Trenton with Baymax from Big Hero 6.  
 Officer Trenton and Firefighter Wagers            One of B's faves are puzzles!
 PaPaw and Trenton training Zoomer.      GiGi reading Trenton his clues to the last presents.
 Trenton's razor                                                   Bennett's ziggle
 PaPaw and GiGi's basement floor was perfect for scooting around.
 But it didn't stop there!  Bennett tests out his new Y-Bike through the foyer.
 Riding more outside and receiving a great push from his big brother.
 Trenton playing police officer with Bennett.
After naps, we went over to our cousins' house.  We played a fun game of lefty-righty with presents.

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