Saturday, February 14, 2015


My favorite thing as a parent is watch my boys get excited about things.  Luckily, mine are very enthusiastic children and just about anything makes them happy.  We took the boys to the circus again this year.  Trenton somewhat remembers last year.....mostly his laser gun toy, the trapeze, and falling asleep.  The acrobats on the trapeze were his favorite.  The unique part about the circus is that each show changes annually.  So, this year was very different from lasts.  There was an Asian touch for 2015 with unique costumes and tricks.  Always, motorcycle stunts and a bigger variety of animals accompanied this year's show.  Regardless, it holds your interest as a parent more because it varies year to year.  
 Pre-show floor experiences with the Chickfila cow and clowns.
 Up-close view of particular shows and stunts.
 Literally, we were under the sign while down on the floor experiencing the circus first hand.
 While on a unicycle, the acrobats kicked bowls up and caught them inside the other bowls balancing on their heads.  Amazing!
 The boys got a kick out of the elephant that could slam dunk.
 and also paint.
 If you go to the circus, make sure you arrive an hour ahead of time so you can join right in the festivities on the floor. It's free.
 Our seats were perfect.....4 rows up.
 with a head on view.
 Kevin and I kept looking at each other as they continually adding motorcyclist to the steel ball.  I think they got up to a crazy 9 drivers.  We still don't know how they did it, especially at those speeds.  It was a neat sight with the lights off, too.
 The lion and tiger cage.
 Roaring loudly.
 At intermission we bought the boys toys.  We loved how Trenton picked out one of the cheaper $12 toys, and then there is Bennett.  We tried to convince him to also get the dragon, but he was dead set on the spinny, glowy thing, which was a whopping $24 (what a rip off! Haha!)
They loved playing with them during the remainder of the show, and a special reminder of Valentine's Day at the Circus 2015!  

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