Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Early Morning Snow

Well, they were early to call school last week but late this morning.  It's tough being them.  I was just glad I looked at Cobb's website right before leaving and learned we were delayed 2 hours!  Perfect!  We sent Daddy on his merry way to work and played in the snow before school.  Then, the day got even better when we learned it was changed from delayed to canceled.  Playing in the snow was a great way to spend Trenton's pre-surgery day!
 The sun might not be out yet, but we are.......and playing in the snow!
 It might have only been an inch or tad bit more, but it stuck and was enough to play in!
 The boys liked shoveling it.
 Then, Chase came out from down the street and they began a snowball fight.
 Love Chase's shorts!!!  Trenton got a big snowball going after awhile.
 It was enough to pull out the sled.
Here we go!!!
See the circle?  I felt like the horses going round and round on pony rides.  What a workout!

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