Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Final Hi-Yas

Well, it's time to get our wiggles out, fill our bellies, and enjoy some suds a little longer before surgery day arrives tomorrow.  Thank goodness all the ice melted so we could get out of the house!  We picked up Granna and Opa.  They needed an outing away from the house and could sit and watch the boys kick and hi-ya all they wanted.  
 Bennett and Opa ready to go to karate.  Everyone was so proud of Bennett and Trenton because they received their belts for reciting the 7 magic words.

After dropping off Granna and Opa, I let Trenton chose where he wanted dinner.  Mellow Mushroom was a fantastic choice!  We love their pizza!  I had Trenton poise like the karate kid--we attempted at least.
Doc says no baths for a bit after surgery, so we had a little silly fun during tubtime tonight.

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