Monday, February 22, 2010

GiGi and PaPaw's Visit

GiGi and PaPaw have been in town visiting us. Trenton loves seeing them, and they have been so helpful taking over the midnight night feeding as well as many other baby tasks. Mommy was able to run errands while Trenton stayed to have fun at home, which was a pleasant treat. He also had his first restaurant experience while they were here when we went to Outback--of course he slept through it all but that's ok. It was funny when the server brought over the sling for the car seat. Daddy wasn't quite sure what it was for and he asked if he needed to put Trenton in it (without the car seat is what he was thinking!) He was so alarmed that the waiter said yes because he didn't want to wake Trenton up nor did he think it was safe for his little body to lay in it. Silly ol' Daddy! :)

GiGi and PaPaw with Trenton

Trenton snuggles with GiGi

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