Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

The weather was really nice this New Years Eve. We spent the day playing outside and enjoying the gorgeous, sunny, and 60+ weather. Trenton loved his first wagon ride. He looked all around him as we pulled him around the neighborhood. It is a two seater, so we look forward to inviting a playmate on our next ride. Trenton thinks Rylan next door will like to ride it! :) We stopped by the neighborhood playground to swing and slide, too. Then, back at the house Trenton played a little football. Trenton enjoyed every minute of it!

That night we brought in the New Year at 8:00 vurses midnight so Trenton could join in the fun. We celebrated with sparklers and champagne. Trenton liked watching the sparklers flicker and felt extra special staying up past his normal bedtime. We can't believe 2011 is already here!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Over the Hump

Thank you for all your texts, calls and emails regarding Trenton not feeling well. It is nice to know friends and family are thinking of you. He seems to be over the hump now. We really aren't sure what he had except for some contagious "thing." Based on the lab reports, the doctor speculates it was viral; it could be roseola without certain symptoms. It started when we were out of town in Colorado--he probably picked it up on the plane. It seemed like a simple stomach bug that needed to run its course. We ended up taking him to an urgent care out of town to ensure he didn't lose too much fluid; that is typical with babies. They gave him a prescription and sent us on our way. However, the day before we left for home--just as we thought he was getting over it for good--Trenton started running a fever, which wasn't present during the initial upset stomach stage, and developed a runny nose and cough. We gave him Tylenol, came home, relaxed over the holiday weekend, and thought Trenton would feel better soon. We were wrong again. The fever continued. So, we took him to the doctor on Monday. With the strep and flu tests negative, we left with the doctor's orders to continue Tylenol and Motrin every three hours. That night, his temperature spiked to 104.9 in the middle of the night. We ended up in the ER where they did more tests, including blood work, which thankfully also came back normal. They gave him an antibiotic through an IV to fight off any other illnesses he could get from a weakened immune system. Oh, he didn't like the IV one bit! Not only would he try to pull it out, which was wrapped around his arm like a cast, he would try to bite it off. Luckily, it was only on for a short period of time. We followed up at the doctor on Wed. The diagnosis was still probably just a virus and we had to wait it out. That is hard to do with a baby in discomfort.

Since then, he's had a hard time getting back into eating. He has definitely lost weight this month. His poor little stomach has shrunk so much that he can only eat little bits at a time. Pureed foods are easiest too--back to the real baby food for awhile. And someone has gotten spoiled sleeping with Mommy and Daddy and us holding him lots in the middle of the night for comfort. New Years resolution 1-Get Trenton back into his crib for the entire night. (Big mistake letting him sleep with us some when he'd wake in the middle of the night!) New Years resolution 2-Trenton sleeps through the night again! Wish us luck!

Mr. Skinny-Minny working on the laptop.

I'm starting to eat again! I love bananas! (He likes to hold his spoon, but eat with his hands.)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fill 'N Flow Spout

Santa brought Trenton a fill 'n flow spout and he loves playing with it in the bathtub! (Mommy and Daddy do, too, because now Trenton isn't trying to grab at the faucet or crawl all over the the tub!) It seems a lot safer because he will just play with his toys the entire time. He doesn't want bath time to end--you feel bad when you have to get him out! It is the highlight of his night!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Trenton's First Christmas!

It was a beautiful white Christmas here in Marietta and we enjoyed spending the day at Granna and Opa's house! I guess we had brought the snow back from Colorado! It was the first time since 1982 that there was snow with accumulation of more than an inch. I think by the end of the day, we had 3-4 inches.

It was so fun to see Trenton's reaction on his first Christmas! He lit up when he saw his new toys Santa had brought him. Immediately, he loved playing with the Laugh and Learn Home. I think all day he would discover something new that the house did. They neat part is that he is almost a year so fully into everything. We can't wait to test out all the other toys!

Granna has handmade all our family's stockings. Trenton's is the 2nd from the right and perfect because it has deer and birds in addition to Santa. They are very special to us!

Mommy bringing Trenton down to see if Santa came......

And he did! Trenton must have been a good boy!

He LOVED is new Laugh and Learn Home that Santa had brought him!

He was excited about the wagon Granna and Opa had given him! We'll have to wait for a better day to test it out!

Uncle Brad helps Trenton unwrap their present to him. Oh yes, Trenton can't wait to take Uncle Brad on in a game of horse on his new basketball goal!

Thank you Aunt Jacquelyn for my basketball goal! I love it!

Trenton had to test out his new Alabama hat Opa and Granna had given him.

Oh look, Trenton and Daddy had both gotten new Alabama hats!

Opa helps Trenton unwrap more of his loot.

The snow is just starting to accumulate on the ground. We love a white Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We attended the Children's Nativity church service this year because Trenton could sit with us through it and it really didn't matter if he was noisy. It was short and sweet, perfect for an 11 month year old. We enjoyed seeing all the children dress up as angels, shepherds, and wise men and hearing the story of Jesus' birth. Trenton would do his own version of singing while the congregation sang Christmas songs. It was cute! Next year, Trenton will have to join in the fun and wear his special costume!

Trenton is happy to join us back on the pews again.
Trenton loved playing with the singing penguin back at Granna and Opa's house. They always seem to have "talking" toys that catch Trenton's attention.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Beaver Creek, Colorado

We took a vacation to Beaver Creek, Colorado with Daddy's family this Christmas break. With Trenton now close to a year and so active, we wondered how he would do on the 3+ hour flight. Can we say perfect? He was so engaged with what was around him. The airplanes out the window, carts pulling luggage, buttons on the arm rests, seat trays in front of you, other passengers....everything caught his eye, and he would smile his huge smile and then look at you. If only he could knew that brain was turning! Everyone was oohing and ahhing at how social and happy he was. He always has been and we feel extremely blessed to have a baby boy like that! As soon as we took off he ate and fell instantly asleep. Before we knew it, the captain had announced we were descending. Trenton was still asleep! Who would have thought he would have slept for close to 3 hours in our lap! The lady behind us even commenting on how perfect that worked out. We planned it that way (wink, wink!) The car ride from the Denver airport out to the resort in Beaver Creek was great too even though it was 2 1/2 hours. We had to be cautious on the roads since snowy weather was just now blowing in, but we managed to get into the resort right as it was getting dark. It had been a long day of traveling but we could have asked for a better traveler! Trenton hit the pack 'n play hard!

Our time at Beaver Creek was mostly spent skiing, of course. Daddy hit the slopes everyday and Mommy managed to get in a couple days of skiing while out there--a perfect amount for her. Trenton stayed inside the condo with his cousins and played and played and played. Riley and Chase were able to play at the tubing hill some days and even try skiing for the first time! Maybe next time Trenton will be out there.....we'll have to learn to walk first! Speaking of walking, Trenton took his first consecutive steps out there. Although it only topped out at a three steps, this is still the another step towards his walking days. We were excited that Gigi and PaPaw were there to witness this!

The adults also enjoyed our first snowshoeing adventure while the grandparents watched the kiddos. It definitely is a workout. Then, the nights were spent in the hot tub recovering from the days activities. Riley loved the hot tub and would go with who ever was making the trip down to it. She is a mermaid!

It was fun to go into the quaint Beaver Creek village, too. A reindeer was there! We know it wasn't Rudolph because he didn't have a red nose. We kind of think it may have been Blitzen, but who knows, it could have been Dasher. It is hard to tell. It was at this time that we got to meet up for lunch with Daddy during one of his skiing days. Trenton liked looking at all the skiers at the base because there was so much activity.

Unfortunately, there was a little damper on the trip. Trenton caught his first stomach bug. Our second day was spent at the urgent care trying to get Trenton better. He was a trooper, though, and hung in there.

Our flight back was the same as before--absolutely perfect! And this time, we really worried because Trenton hadn't been himself with the illness. He slept like a rock, though, and woke as we were descending into the Atlanta airport. I see a great pattern here and I hope it continues! :) God gave us a good little airplane passenger and we hope it continues!

We sure enjoyed Trenton's first trip out West! It was nice to see all that gorgeous snow and hang out with GiGi, PaPaw, Aunt Suzy, Uncle Ryan, Riley and Chase.

Most days the kids didn't get out of their PJs around the condo.

Cheerios for breakfast were a big hit.

Trenton and Chase watched as their Daddies skied back into the condo.

Mommy and Trenton on our balcony.

The Borders Lodge had a big Christmas tree that the boys likes to play with.

Trenton in the lobby.
One room had bunk beds and the kids liked climbing to the top. Trenton could only join them when we held him up there.

Cousin Riley was a big helper with Trenton!

If stairs are near, Trenton is climbing them. We had to be extremely careful and right by his side. We think Trenton has "skydiver mentality" when it comes to stairs and as PaPaw says, he has no fear. He turns and leaps off at any moment. We are trying to teach him to turn around and slide down on his belly. We have a LONG way to go!
Riley tried skiing for the first time!

Uncle Ryan and PaPaw helping Riley.

Chase and Aunt Suzy at the base of the mountain.
Daddy with Trenton on his ski break.

Brothers and their sons! They can't wait to take them on the slopes one day!

The nightly hot tub trips.
GiGi was a big help watching Trenton on the days Mommy skied.

Trenton liked not having to ride in his car seat on the short shuttle ride down to the village.
So Mommy's hair isn't the only hair Trenton goes after!

The reindeer in the village. Can you tell which one he is?

Mommy, Daddy and Trenton waiting for our table for lunch.

The village was really neat. I wish we had more time to walk around it but Trenton needed to get back for his nap.
Mommy and Daddy had taken a summer trip to Beaver Creek before Trenton was born. It was neat to see everything in a different season. It is definitely beautiful out there no matter what time of year it is!

PaPaw had the touch. Trenton fell asleep in his lap in the middle of playing.