Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break at the Zoo

We're resuming our normal activities. If Trenton has easy access to restroom and it is feasible to have several changes of clothes just in case of accidents, we are in underwear like a big boy. If not, a diaper is on for convenience. So, I felt like we got back out into civilization today with our daytrip to Zoo Atlanta. We learned that his diapers stay much dryer than before now that we are potty training, and even if he is wearing a diaper, he tells you when he needs to go potty. This is great! Sometimes we can make it to a restroom and other times, he just has to go in his diaper. Either way, we have made progress in the potty training world. Plus, he has acquired a "gotta go potty now" dance in his efforts to hold it, which is easy for us to read.  Minus our day trip activities, we'll be around the house making it all up to Trenton and his complete readiness. When he is ready to go all the time in the potty on a regular basis without accidents, we will welcome this new accomplishment. No need to push it to extremes right now because the hardest part appears over.  We are proud of the progress so far, but not so happy with his reliance on M&Ms for motivation and success. 

 Our little lion cub.
 Why do I have a feeling this is going to be me with a baby in my arms and Trenton climbing all over me?
 The train was so much fun Trenton had to do it twice this trip!
Then, he also got to ride the cougar on the carousel.

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